- 这是一个令人鼓舞的迹象。
- It was a promising sign .
- 超过300家店铺最终签署了工会协议。
- Over 300 shops eventually sign union contracts .
- 这是一个时代的标志。
- It is a sign of the times .
- 对于那些记得起以往石油危机的人而言,这是一个令人担心的预兆。
- For those with memories of past shocks , this is a worrying omen .
- 更令人担忧的预兆是,由于国外需求疲软,9月德国工厂的订单数量下降了8%。
- A more alarming omen is the 8 % fall in german factory orders in september , led by weak foreign demand .
- 这对扑克牌玩家来说可能是好消息,但现实生活又有一部分转移到网上了,这对姚记来说可不是什么好兆头。
- That may be good news for card players , but it 's not such a favorable omen for yaoji that another facet of real life is moving online .
- 但对整个甲骨学研究来说,甲骨占卜研究仍是一个较薄弱的环节。
- But compared with the whole study of the inscriptions on bone , the augury with the inscriptions on bones is still very weak .
- 你们不可吃带血的物;不可用法术,也不可观兆。
- Ye shall not eat anything with the blood : neither shall ye use enchantments , nor practise augury .
- “占卜,预言:预言将来要发生的事件或显示不为人所知的秘密的法术或活动,通过预兆或所谓超自然因素的方式实现。”
- Divination : the art or act of foretelling future events or revealing occult knowledge by means of augury or an alleged supernatural agency .
- 英美资源集团已避开大型合并(虽然它本身就是个被收购的目标),它要在政治上棘手的南非以外寻找目标(它现在的许多矿区就在南非),并且不反对收购更小的公司。
- Anglo american has eschewed mega mergers ( though it has itself been a bid target ) but it now wants to expand beyond politically troublesome south africa , where many of its mines are located , and is not averse to buying smaller targets .
- 他说这样的超级爆发来一次就足以毁灭大半个北美。
- Another such mega eruption would be devastating for much of north america , he says .
- 至于巨额奖金,嗯,这算什么问题?
- As for mega bonuses , well , what 's the problem ?
- 笼罩在天边的乌云在我们通常的想象中往往预示着厄运。
- Dark clouds gathered on the horizon foretell doom in the popular imagination .
- 仅仅因为犹太人的传统禁止预言未来,所以世俗的犹太人马克思绝大多数时候对前方可能出现的事情保持沉默。
- Just as the jews weretraditionally forbidden to foretell the future , so marx the secular jew ismostly silent on what might lie ahead .
- 如果铅团的形状像船,这意味着新的一年将要去旅行,如果是一个球,就预示着好运。
- If the blob represents a ship it is said to foretell travel , if it 's a ball , good luck .
- 我们的gdp现在超过2兆亿美元。
- Our gdp now is over $ 2 trillion .
- 此外香港帐户买入了5万亿日圆。
- Hong kong accounts added another 5 trillion yen .
- pimco的在管资产稳步增长,达到了1.2兆亿美元。
- Pimco 's assets under management have grown steadily , to $ 1.2 trillion .