- 在这项研究中参与者被允许按照个人的要求多次停止或切换方法。
- Participants were permitted to discontinue or switch methods as many times as desired during the study .
- 当巴基斯坦有些人还在怀疑奥巴马政府是否会中断这些从布什政府开始的空袭行动时,新的空袭就在其宣誓就职仪式三天后发生。
- Some in pakistan had wondered whether the obama administration would discontinue the strikes that began under president bush , but a raid took place only three days after his swearing-in .
- nayajeevan说,该机构目前还不需要中断任何服务,但是保险公司已经警告说,监管机构要求它们不要与未注册的机构合作。
- Naya jeevan said that it hasn 't had to discontinue any of its services , but the insurance companies have warned it that they are under pressure from the regulator to not work with unregistered units .
- 佛山罢工迫使本田暂停了两家整车装配工厂的生产。
- Their action forced honda to suspend operations at two assembly plants .
- 根据世贸组织的规定,一个国家可以仅仅为了环境保护而正常停止自然资源的出口。
- Under w.t.o. rules , countries may formally suspend exports of natural resources only for environmental conservation .
- 政府被迫引入资金管制并停止支付黄金,这在事实上导致了货币与黄金脱钩。
- The government was forced to introduce capital controls and suspend gold payments , in effect unpegging its currency .