- 但是直到那时他才意识到表演的巨大吸引力。
- But just until then did he realize his passion for acting .
- 没有人愿意看到体育沦落为一种比拼演技的竞赛(比如某类摔跤比赛)。
- Few would wish to see it reduced ( like some kinds of wrestling ) to an acting competition .
- 表演和科学很显然会受到不同人的喜爱。
- Acting and science may simply appeal to very different personalities .
- 这种生意实在是有利可图。
- The business was tremendously profitable .
- 企业信心也很高涨。
- Business sentiment is also strong .
- 经济萧条对企业不利。
- Depressions are bad for business .
- 伺服控制技术在钻压模拟中的应用。
- Application of servocontrol technique in simulation of wob .