- 但是需要注意的是“英特尔”是一个笔名,其本人可能不是一个可靠的目击者。
- However it should be noted that " intel " was a pseudonym , and therefore may not be a reliable witness .
- 这个星期维基一位笔名为essjay高级编辑实际上是一个24岁的大学中途退学者,而非想其所宣称那样是一个宗教研究教授。
- This week a senior wikipedia editor , who used the pseudonym essjay , turned out not to be a professor of religious studies as he claimed , but in fact a 24-year-old college drop-out .
- 他用假名在我们在福莱特布鲁克威尔的家中做了数月的客。
- Using a pseudonym , he was our guest in flatbrookville for some months .