- 有一个机器正在制作珠宝首饰,有一个在生产电钻的塑料把手,还有的在生产汽车仪表板,复杂的灯罩以及定制的假肢。
- One is making jewellery , others are producing the plastic grip for an electric drill , the dashboard of a car , an intricate lampshade and a bespoke artificial leg .
- 装了假肢,他起初走路不稳,但经过锻炼他的步子稳了。
- Fitted with the artificial leg , he walked unsteadily at first , but with practice his steps became steady .
- 博物馆内藏有一些相当少见的物品,包括一名战后退休老兵留下的假腿,他与他的治疗师曾有过一段情。
- The museum boasts some fairly forlorn items , including the artificial leg of a demobilized war veteran who fell in love with his therapist .