- 本质上说,cds是债务的保险,它的价格指示了债务人违约的风险程度。
- A cds is essentially an insurance policy on debt , priced to indicate the risk of a debtor 's defaulting .
- 简而言之,对希腊的公共债务进行有序重组是可以实现的,对债务人和债权人而言也是有利的。
- In short , an orderly restructuring of greece 's public debt is achievable and desirable for the debtor and its creditors .
- 一旦发生债务人违约,问题的重点不是市场会作何反应,而是将由哪个政府部门来承担损失。
- If the debtor defaults , the question is less how the market reacts , and more which arm of government shoulders the loss .
- 任何与债务人有关的财务资。
- Any financial information concerning the obligor .
- 第十一条信息披露义务人应当合并计算其所持有、控制的同一上市公司股份。
- Article 11 a disclosure obligor shall combine in calculation of the shares of a listed company held or controlled by it .
- 第七十一条债权人可以拒绝债务人提前履行债务,但提前履行不损害债权人利益的除外。
- Obligee may refuse to obligor , but ahead of discharge without prejudice to the interests of the creditors .
- 他在阿森纳将穿上9号球衣,这个号码上个赛季是属于从皇马租借而来的巴普蒂斯塔的。
- He will be given the no9 shirt at arsenal - worn last season by real madrid loanee julio baptista .
- 保证保险能够防范次级房贷危机、化解银行贷款风险,避免按揭贷款买受人因意外事故引起的以房抵债、被迫搬迁等风险,增加保险公司业务量。
- The mortgage guarantee insurance may prevent the subprime mortgage crisis , dispel the loan risk of banks , avoid losing house of loanee and promote the business of insurance companies .
- 雷耶斯虽然时温格选择亨利的第一搭档,他在未来几年内还不会达到他职业生涯的最佳状态。租借期满的杰弗斯在海布里是个多余的人。
- Reyes , while wenger 's first-choice partner for henry , will not hit his best for another couple of years . Returning loanee francis jeffers is unwanted at highbury .