A cds is essentially an insurance policy on debt , priced to indicate the risk of a debtor 's defaulting .
In short , an orderly restructuring of greece 's public debt is achievable and desirable for the debtor and its creditors .
If the debtor defaults , the question is less how the market reacts , and more which arm of government shoulders the loss .
If the debtor government services such debt , it is because it wishes to .
To be sure , its government is a large debtor ; its net debt as a share of gdp is one of the highest in the oecd .
If those payments were made by debtor states in proportion to their cumulative deficits , the debts of states like new mexico and mississippi would rise to over 500 % of gdp .
Some commentators followed a different tack , arguing that since every debtor is matched by a creditor , losses are offset by gains and so debt does not really matter .
Put our plan to many europeans-creditor germans , debtor greeks or eurosceptic britons-and they may moan that this is not what they were promised when the euro was set up .