- 即使惩罚更加严厉,他依然非常顽固。
- Punishments became more severe , he remained stubborn .
- 她一定很爱他,或者她只是特别固执。
- She must love him , or she 's just plain stubborn .
- 有部分仅仅因为我是一个顽固的男性。
- Part of that is just me being a stubborn male .
- 因为,最后,最为重要的是,这就是这个国家的故事建筑在不屈奋斗基础上的不灭希望的故事。
- Because in the end , more than anything else , that is the story of this country the story of unwavering hope grounded in unyielding struggle .
- 在他们条理、坚韧、倔强不屈的方式下,他们顶着个人困难,把家人幸福或工作需要放在高于自己的位置,在其他人早已放弃或倒下后还能不停地向着目标前进。
- In their methodical , tough , stubborn , unyielding way , they persist against personal hardship , putting their families and / or their work before their own needs and welfare to reach their objectives long after others have given up and fallen by the wayside .
- 也就是说,思科的举动,在加上惠普在网络市场上不屈不挠的扩张,很可能会一连串的连锁反应-不仅仅是挖了个坑,让这两家成为主要竞争对手,还让主要服务器供应商ibm、戴尔也卷入了争斗中。
- That said , cisco 's move - combined with hp 's unyielding expansion in networking - is likely to set off a chain of events that will not only pit these two as major rivals but also draw server vendors ibm and dell into the fray .
- 它们固执地拒绝把资产泡沫当回事,并顽固地执着于为定义狭窄的通胀指数设定的短期目标。
- There was the obstinate refusal to take asset bubbles seriously and the wrongheaded preoccupation with short-term targets for narrowly defined inflation indices .
- 首席执行官史蒂夫乔布斯(stevejobs)谈起上网本时颇为不屑,并且固执至极。
- Steve jobs , its chief executive , talks disdainfully about netbooks and is nothing if not obstinate .
- 射手座人的缺点是太过于固执且通常难以改变。
- One of the demerits of this sign is that they are by far an obstinate sign and generally difficult to mould .