- 该行动得到了安德鲁杰克逊总统的支持,而他本人正是一个充满欲望的投机者。
- This position was supported by pres. andrew jackson , who was himself an avid speculator .
- 但是总要有人来承担风险,一般来说就是投机商。
- But someone needs to take the other side of the bargain , and that usually requires a speculator .
- 他当时告诉英国《金融时报》,这轮大涨不是泡沫,他也不是投机商。
- The surge , he told the financial times then , was not a bubble nor , he insisted , was he a speculator .
- 用借来的钱投机本身就颇具风险而资产越复杂,互相关联度越高,风险就越大。
- Speculating with borrowed money is inherently risky and riskier the more complex and interconnected are the assets .
- 为何对冲是好的,而投机是不好的,人们如何才能划定两者之间的界限?
- Why would hedging be good , but speculating bad and how might one draw the line between them ?
- 对于一个21世纪的投资者来说,买黄金是一块石头价值上涨的投机,是有些令人不安的命题。
- Buying gold-that is , speculating that a rock will rise in value-is a somewhat unsettling proposition for a 21st-century investor .