- 仅仅俩个水量再不断减少。
- Only two have decreasing water levels .
- 兄弟俩藏了起来,2名警察赶到了。
- The brothers hide as two cops arrive .
- 你们俩就不能用电邮或者别的什么方式么?
- Can 't you two email each other or something ?
- 有些州正考虑改革。
- Some states are considering reform .
- 某些网页则完全免费。
- Some sites are entirely free .
- 所以有的人说旁观者清。
- So some people said outsider .
- 若干指标显示情况或许已经如此。
- Several measures suggest it may be .
- 他还长期代理着若干位艺人。
- He still represents several long-term clients .
- 本周,反政府示威活动继续在中东和北非数个国家进行。
- Anti-government protests continued this week in several countries across the middle east and north africa .
- 总统夫妇育有一女。
- The couple had one daughter .
- 他们成了令人瞩目的夫妇。
- They are a remarkable couple .
- 斯周夫妇一度放弃了性生活。
- The couple stopped having sex .