- 摘要代理商的商誉损失补偿请求权是为弥补委托合同的缺陷,基于公平合理原则为代理商提供的一项救济制度。
- Business agent 's recourse of goodwill damage is for makes up the contract of bailment the flaw , and it based on the just principle a relief system which provides for the business agent .
- 这种用茶祭祀的遗风,实是一种精神寄托,它超越自然,超越凡人,把茶看作是纳入神灵世界的一种表征。
- This custom of tea fete is actually a sprit bailment . It is a supernatural and superhuman bless , here tea was taken as a symbol of heavens world .
- 无论心情怎样漂泊,总有一些东西可以让我们着陆,在某个刹那,当思念闪过,希望会有最真实的寄托。
- No matter how vagabond our heart are , there are always some things on which we can land , wishing the truest bailment at the moment when missing is passing .
- 再次提出保释请求很常见。
- Requests to reconsider bail are common .
- 他在塞浦路斯保释后逃跑了。
- He skipped bail in cyprus .
- 第11名嫌疑间谍在塞浦路斯保释期间失踪。
- An 11th suspected spy disappeared while on bail in cyprus .