- 一些球迷就睡在外面的人行道上。
- Some fans have slept on the pavement outside .
- 他踩下煞车,汽车忽然开始在光滑的路面上滑行起来。
- He stepped on the brake , and suddenly the car started to slide on the slick pavement .
- 突然,老板停下来,低下头注视着路面很久,也不说话。
- He stopped suddenly , looking down on the pavement for a long , silent moment .
- 带着烤肉味的烟弥漫着拥挤的人行道。
- Redolent smoke drifts along the crowded sidewalk .
- 甚至不会看着蚂蚁急匆匆地穿过夏日人行道上的裂缝。
- Or even watch ants scurry across cracks in the summer sidewalk .
- 200人的队伍蜿蜒在邻近一座大厦前的人行道上。
- A line of 200 people snaked along the sidewalk in front of a neighboring building .
- 你可以下拉并拖动创建的快捷方式到其他地方。
- You can drop and drag the shortcut to other locations .
- 要想拥有一副强健的体魄没有捷径可走。
- There is no shortcut to having a healthy body .
- 你可以称之为是穿过黑森林的一条捷径。
- You could call it a shortcut through very dark woods .