- 法国方面称,打人者是身着便衣的伊朗安全人员。
- France said that the batterer is dressed in plain clothes security personnel in iran .
- 三月国家侦探局的便衣警察枪击了马拉开波(委内瑞拉第二大城市)的智利荣誉领事的女儿。
- In march plain-clothes police from the national detective corps shot dead the daughter of the chilean honorary consul in maracaibo , venezuela 's second city .
- 除了以色列炮火和催泪瓦斯之外,巴权力机构便衣安全人员已经开始渗透到示威人群内部,找出可能蓄意发动第三次起义人员。
- In addition to israeli gunfire and tear-gas , pa security men in plain clothes have begun to infiltrate the ranks of the protesters to spot people who might want a third intifada .