- 违反该规定的员工会被炒鱿鱼。
- Employees who violate them can be fired .
- 当然,现在的科技使得侵犯隐私比过去更加容易了。
- Sure , today 's technology make it easier than ever to violate privacy .
- 你甚至不需要传播这些文件就有可能侵犯了反间谍法。
- You don 't even have to share the documents to violate the espionage act .
- 在阿内格尔,农民们逐渐侵占森林,破坏动物们的迁移路线。
- In anekal farmers encroach on the forest disrupting a migratory route .
- wi-fidirect有广泛的潜在用途,许多侵占了蓝牙的领地,使与wi-fi形成竞争的该无线协议有被废弃的危险。
- Wi-fi direct has a wide array of potential uses many of which encroach on bluetooth territory and threaten to make the competing wireless protocol obsolete .
- 一些分析师说,这个策略旨在侵占耐克固有地盘,耐克拥有大量nba明星代言,包括迈阿密热队(miamiheat)球星詹姆斯(lebronjames)。
- Some analysts say this is a tactic to encroach on turf that nike normally owns with its myriad nba-star endorsements including miami heat star lebron james .