- 她转向她的同伴,他耸耸肩。
- She turned to her companion who shrugged .
- 我受到冷落的童年中的唯一的朋友和同伴!
- Only friend and companion of my slighted childhood !
- 一个术语用来描述同性恋伴侣,但他还没有负起责任。
- A term used to describe a homosexual companion , while remaining free of commitment .
- 这会训练你大脑将这类持续消极性与一些不开心的事联想起来。
- This trains your mind to associate that type of persistent negativity with something unpleasant .
- 他们中的某些人表现出的性格让我们联想到了恃强凌弱者。
- Some of them also exhibit characteristics that many of us would associate with being a bully .
- 吸引了16个学生,副教务长johnkeller说,其中15个是女性。
- Drew 16 students last year , associate provost john keller said . Fifteen of them were women .