- 一些古巴人通过假结婚的方式让房产交易更加容易一些。
- Some cubans entered into sham marriages to make deed transfers easier .
- 民主国家的公投数量现在可能已经远远超过了专制统治者所钟情的假公投。
- Referendums in democratic countries may now far outnumber the sham plebiscites beloved of autocratic rulers .
- 电刺激在假针灸组也会使用,即使是很低的电压量和很短时间的疗程。
- Electrical stimulation was also used , although those in the sham group received lower voltage and far shorter treatments .
- 你应假装表现出同情吗?
- Should you pretend to be sympathetic ?
- 就装作它丢了,或者你从来没领过。
- Pretend it is gone , that you never received it .
- 难道你想假装并非如此吗?
- Are you supposed to pretend otherwise ?
- 我们以前至少可以假装面对面地“交流”。
- We used to be able , at least , to feign " communication " face-to-face .
- 也许他可以慢慢来,然后等到了里斯本机场时假装不知道签证期限,他打算从那里飞回家。
- Perhaps he could take his time , then feign ignorance about the visa situation when he reached lisbon airport from where he was planning to fly home .
- 或者,你会不会像《卡萨布兰卡》里说“我太震惊了,赌博竟然就发生在此时此地!”的雷诺上尉(captainrenault)一样假装愤怒?
- Or would you feign outrage , like captain renault 's in " casablanca " : " I am shocked , shocked to find that gambling is going on in here ! "
- 我去年买的的那幢房子带着个漂亮的花园。
- Ch I bought last year has got a lovely garden .
- 老师将教我们如何冲洗。
- Ch us how to develop photographs .
- 我感觉我有很多想表达的东西。
- I just feelike I have so ch to say .