- 在北卡罗来纳州的外海岸低潮的时候,一座老船库稳稳的竖立在裘瑞塔克海湾上。
- An old boathouse perches well above currituck sound at low tide in north carolina 's outer banks .
- 但是在一个暴风雨之夜,如何能在海潮退于海堤之下的时候还能穿越几公里的沼泽沙地区到海中救人呢?
- But how can it be launched quickly on a stormy night at low tide when the sea has retreated down a steep bank of shingle and out across several kilometres of boggy sand ?
- 一位艺人站在伦敦泰晤士河南岸的河水中,弹着电吉他。(2012.3.13)
- A busker plays his electric guitar while standing in the river thames at low tide along the south bank in london march 13 , 2012 .