- 伊斯坦布尔这座曾经以君士坦丁堡的名字而享誉天下,几个世纪以来一直是东西方文化进行交流碰撞的场所。
- Istanbul , once known as constantinople , has for centuries been a meeting place between east and west .
- 其中一半的建议都涉及一个某种形式的会面场所,而其中80%的设想都会因为蒸发冷却效应而失败。
- About half of them involved a meeting place dynamic of one kind or another and about 80 % of those , as they were conceived , would be killed dead by evaporative cooling .
- 还有什么是和见面地点的外部特征相类似的?
- What else has that kind of externality like a meeting place ?