- 混合动力车诸如丰田普锐斯或者雪佛兰伏特(chevroletvolt)不得不使用它们的汽油引擎以获得额外动力。
- Hybrid vehicles like the toyota prius or the chevrolet volt have to use their petrol engines to get extra zip .
- 闪亮通过一组12伏的电池驱动,4速手动变速。
- Sparky is a 4-speed manual and runs on a system of 12 volt batteries .
- 采用一个放置在户外一个在室内的特测器,研究人员可以测量太阳风暴产生的质子与地球大气摩擦产生的超高速千兆吉伏中子的强度。
- Using one detector located indoors and another outside , they can measure the intensity of the much faster gigaelectron volt neutrons also produced during a solar storm when protons interact with earth 's atmosphere .