- 国家边界线划分相当武断,没有按照严格的种族分布、或者恰好按照地理分布。
- The borders were drawn up rather arbitrarily without following strict ethnic lines or even the guidelines of geography .
- 当殖民大国不列颠从印度撤出时,它给当地留下的遗产是草率而武断划分的边界。
- When the colonial power , britain , withdrew from india it left a dangerous legacy of carelessly or arbitrarily drawn borders .
- 罢黜塞拉亚是个错误,但是谁叫他当初行事武断,违抗法庭命令呢。
- It was wrong to oust mr zelaya , but he in turn had behaved arbitrarily , defying court orders .
- 他们所拍摄的大屠杀画面是邪恶的格鲁吉亚士兵放肆地杀戮奥赛梯平民,并试图抢夺他们的视频储存卡。
- They run through scenes of carnage as wicked georgian soldiers wantonly kill ossetian civilians and try to seize their memory card .
- 上周,洛斯基单方面发起了对这家英国银行的指控,严厉斥责该行与伊朗实体进行交易,肆无忌惮地违反纽约州和联邦的银行业法规。
- Recall that lawsky just last week unilaterally castigated the uk-based bank for brazenly and wantonly eviscerating state and federal banking rules against dealing with iranian entities .
- 少有国家像尼日利亚一样肆意挥霍公款。
- Few countries waste public money more wantonly than nigeria .
- 这种平民论有意忽略了欧洲的力量。
- Such populism wilfully ignores european strengths .
- 美国对自由贸易与民主之关系几近固执地抱着幼稚看法。
- The us has been almost wilfully naive about the connections between free trade and democracy .
- 不过我的结是论:维特根斯坦同志固执地将自己排除在了(欧洲)大陆哲学传统之外。
- However I have come to the conclusion that wittgenstein has wilfully excluded himself from the continental tradition .