- 亚原子粒子可能是任性的。
- Subatomic particles can be wayward .
- 尚无任性的远足者通过这种方式获救,但他希望很快能有成功的案例。
- No wayward ramblers have been rescued in this way yet , but he hopes to find one soon .
- 不管奥巴马总统个人想法如何,美国并没有同国际社会一道谴责它这位任性妄为的盟友。
- Whatever the private thoughts of mr obama , america has refused to join the international outcry against its wayward ally .
- 而当人们认为组织权力结构变化无常且充满危险时,他们更倾向于成为宿命论者。
- But when people view power structures as capricious and dangerous , they tend to be fatalist .
- 最近,由于变化无常的法规以及腐败交易,哈油气投资氛围变得很不稳定。
- Recently , the oil and gas investment climate in kazakhstan has become shaky , victim to capricious regulation and corrupt dealing .
- 有传言称,私营企业将得到更多支持,但河内的政策制定往往反复无常。
- There is talk of better support for private enterprise , but hanoi 's policy making is often capricious .
- 她是个任性的孩子,常常惹麻烦。
- She was a headstrong child , always getting into trouble .
- 与刚愎自用的瓦茨拉夫克劳斯总统同派的捷克共和国集权联盟未能得到大多是的投票。
- The czech republic 's centre-right coalition lost its majority in march amid a row with the headstrong president , vaclav klaus .
- 她任性得无要救药,老是同周围的人闹别扭。
- She 's hopelessly headstrong ; she always gets up against people around her .