- 我希望那些为了他们的国家的自由而牺牲的人没有白白地死。
- My wish is that those who died for the libe rty of their country did not die for nothing .
- 此外,军队也有损国家安全:和印度交战的威胁为军队提供了一个合情合理的上台里有,这就解释了为什么巴国人民对近期发生印巴交界处、造成五名士兵死亡的爆发事件心有余悸。
- And it undermines the country 's security : the threat of war with india provides a justification for army rule , which is why pakistanis fear the recent flare-up on the border with india in which five soldiers died .
- 我希望那些为了他们的国家的自由而牺牲的人没有白白地死。
- My wish is that those who died for the libe rty of their country did not die for nothing .