- 本书节选的frederickcrews的作品《thepoohperplex》和《postmodernpooh》就是运用了milne不同寻常的风格以进行心理分析,后殖民主义,后结构主义的文学批评。
- Frederick crews 's books " the pooh perplex " and " postmodern pooh " , excerpted here , use the unlikely prism of milne to burn down psychoanalytical , post-colonial , and post-structuralist literary criticism .
- 因为鼓励红衫军暴徒烧毁商业中心,一名在泰国被捕的英国人面临数年监禁甚至死刑的判决。
- Faces years in jail , or even a death sentence , for urging redshirt rioters to burn down a shopping centre .
- 本书节选的frederickcrews的作品《thepoohperplex》和《postmodernpooh》就是运用了milne不同寻常的风格以进行心理分析,后殖民主义,后结构主义的文学批评。
- Frederick crews 's books " the pooh perplex " and " postmodern pooh " , excerpted here , use the unlikely prism of milne to burn down psychoanalytical , post-colonial , and post-structuralist literary criticism .