- 马凡氏综合症要尽早发现,这至关重要,因为该病通常与主动脉的血管壁薄弱有关。
- It 's vital that marfan 's be diagnosed as soon as possible , as the condition is commonly associated with weakness of the wall of the aorta .
- 很多更年抑郁症患者郁郁寡欢甚至走上绝路,因此患者在治疗过程中家人要给予充分的理解和照顾,尽快的帮助病人战胜病魔早日康复。
- A lot of unhappy or even depressed climacteric took the road to ruin , so families of patients during treatment to be given sufficient understanding and care , as soon as possible to help patients overcome the disease soon .
- 伴随着天津经济和人丁的持续增加,办蓝印户口的门槛必将会有所进步,所有您如有该方面的需求尽快同我联系。
- As the constant growth of tianjin economy and population , the doorsill that runs la yin registered permanent residence will naturally rise somewhat , all if you have the demand of this respect to be contacted with me as soon as possible .