- 在它面前摆着三项提议。
- Before it lie three proposals .
- 试着在上床前放松。
- Try to relax before bed .
- 一个人站在他面前。
- A man stood before him .
- 值得注意的是这些原来隐蔽的花朵已经变得公开和无孔不入了。
- New and notable is that these formerly covert activities have become open and pervasive .
- 列维曾是美国财政部负责跟踪恐怖主义及非法融资的最高官员。
- Mr. levey formerly served as the treasury department 's top official tracking terrorism and illicit financing .
- 该地区原来破败的酒店europahotel已被改造为体面的低收入住宅。
- The quarter 's formerly run-down europa hotel has been transformed into decent low-income flats .
- 计划和调查研究是非常重要没有错,但有时你必须行动起来。
- Obviously , planning and research does play an important role but you have to take off sometime .
- 他说,男性伴侣出现在产房给产妇造成的伤害有时是长期的。
- The damage caused by a male partner 's presence in the labour suite was sometime long-term , he said .
- 沃尔考博士称,如果医学界一时半会儿还接受不了成瘾症是一种慢性病的观点,可能是因为有时医生们不太了解大脑的功能。
- If the idea of addiction as a chronic disease has been slow to take hold in medical circles , it could be because doctors sometime struggle to grasp brain function , dr. volkow said .