- 欧洲不仅由于多种语言而不能形成统一的市场,同时也由于缺少一个合适地常规服务市场,其中包括数位服务,因此高科技公司必须一致克服各种各样的法律和政治上的障碍来与欧盟贸易。
- Europe is fragmented not only by multiple languages but also by the lack of a properly common market in services , including digital ones , so tech firms must still overcome assorted legal and bureaucratic barriers to trade across the eu .
- 他们放下一个大木箱,里面的贝壳串珠(wampum,译者注2)、厚粗呢布和其他各色物品多得都溢出来了。
- They set down a large wooden chest , overflowing with wampum beads , duffel cloth , and other assorted goods .
- 尤素福称,目前在加沙各色武装派别中有一个“君子协定”,即仅对在以色列采取行动时攻击以色列以作回应,例如以色列本周在加沙枪杀几名激进分子的行动。
- Mr yusuf says there is now a " gentleman 's agreement " between gaza 's assorted armed factions to attack israel only in response to israeli actions , such as its killing of several militants in gaza this week .
- 其他人是混合婚姻的产物。
- Others are products of mixed marriages .
- 法国则采取一套公私混合制度。
- France has a mixed public-private system .
- 将混合好的面团过秤后由本机进行分切.
- Mixed dough is weighed and cut by this machine .
- 10月24日,他带着一大堆各式各样的设备到达了。
- He arrived on 24 october with a huge assortment of equipment .
- 欲了解更多喷涂艺术墙的乐趣,可以尝试将各种各样的鞋盒盖子用油漆喷涂。
- For more chevron fun , try covering an assortment of shoe box tops with paint .
- 德国概念艺术家罗斯玛丽托克尔与朋友和同事进行的各种各样的对象(针织图片,喷漆机)你会看到一个画廊。
- German conceptual artist rosemarie trockel collaborates with friends and colleagues to make the oddest assortment of objects ( knitted pictures , painting machines ) you 'll see in a gallery .