- 例如,如果父母要她放弃在一个在遥远城市工作的机会,她会在离家较近的家乡找一份较小的工作。
- If they ask her to forego an opportunity in a far away city , for example , she will take a lesser job in her hometown to be close to her family .
- 因此,想和自己亲戚或同类很近,但不能太近,这是一个冲突。
- So there is a conflict of wanting to be close to your kin and kind , but not too close .
- 本会召集在尼西亚但后来转移到迦克墩,这样才能接近君士坦丁堡和皇帝。
- Was convoked at nicaea but later transferred to chalcedon , so as to be close to constantinople and the emperor .