The tunnel was nearly featureless , a lonely hole burrowing down into the underbelly of the castle , festooned with pale cobwebs .
No one likes to read featureless newspaper .
The countryside is flat and featureless .
With eyesight as poor as mine , faces blur into featureless ovals .
The products claim that a flat , featureless , continuous sound somehow encourages slumber .
How turtles navigate across vast expanses of seemingly featureless ocean to reach distant feeding and breeding sites has long been a mystery of the seas .
Their possession safeguards him from dissolving in the featureless flow of unconscious community life and thus from deadly peril to his soul .
Their possession safeguards him from dissolving in the featureless flow of unconscious community life and thus safeguards him from deadly peril to his soul .
Pictured above , opportunity 's tire tracks cross a nearly featureless martian desert , emanating from a distant horizon .
The left-hand side of zakia 's face looks as though it has been rubbed out with an eraser . Her eye and cheek have been replaced by featureless pink flesh . Scar tissue pulls her mouth down at the corner .