- 加拿大央行行长马克.卡尼很快就要跳槽加入英格兰银行,他于7月接手默文.金爵士的工作,他此次加入伦敦之举反映了很好的市场时间安排,而他在谈判丰厚的报酬中也表现了他的灵巧手段。
- Mark carney , the country 's central-bank governor , who is soon to jump ship to join the bank of england , where he takes over from sir mervyn king in july , may have shown good market timing with his move to london as well as a deft hand in negotiating his lavish remuneration .
- 捷古弗里特国王,你离开之前跟我们喝一杯吧?
- King siegfried , wouid you join us in a toast before you ieave ?
- 通过在世界各地的年龄历史内衬女性配偶,后妃宫女被委托给日本的火焰经常违背自己的意愿,故事,加入一些已故国王或酋长战士。
- History through the ages in various parts of the world is lined with tales of female spouses , consorts and concubines being consigned to the flames , often against their will , to join some deceased warrior king or chieftain .