- 走到外面去,欣赏南非的景色。
- Go out and enjoy south africa .
- 这是就欣赏你的新暗斑吧。
- Just enjoy the new shade .
- 这儿有一首吉卜林的诗供大家欣赏。
- Here 's a poem from kipling for everyone to enjoy .
- 这种习惯严重影响了我享受生活。
- It seriously impairs my enjoyment .
- 尽量使谈话轻松自由,如此大家都更能享受这美好时刻。
- Keeping it light and positive will add to the enjoyment for everyone .
- 而这种乐趣正是你继续努力的动力,让你做得更好更快。
- Such enjoyment will fuel motivation and you will accomplish everything quicker and better .
- 把他们首先当做群众来对待。
- Treat people as people first .
- 对每个人友好并尊重他们。
- Treat everyone with kindness and dignity .
- 有些人对待历史的态度是很搞笑的。
- Others treat history more playfully .
- 但这样的自我安慰是错误的。
- But that is false comfort .
- 这些脸给她带来安慰。
- The faces bring her comfort .
- 读我关于转换舒适地带的文章。
- Read my article about shifting comfort zones .
- 两家代理公司均未跟踪豪华楼盘市场的销量。
- Neither agency tracks sales in the luxury market .
- 你觉得这款奢华版suv怎么样?
- What do you think this luxury suv ?
- 这不是往返于加勒比海群岛的豪华邮轮航线。
- This is no luxury liner hopping between caribbean islands .