- 五行相生相克与其所寓居的方向相关吗?
- Allelopathy and the five elements resident in the direction they related ?
- 芭蕾五行:编舞创作坊2011(演出时间变动)
- Inspired by the five elements : choreographic showcase 2011 ( programme time change )
- 文章从五行名称的象理内涵,以及五行内涵的应用发挥角度,探讨了与四时时令气候、物候的深刻内在相关性,提出五行最初可能源于古代天文历法指导下的四季认识。
- With a view to the connotation of denomination of the five elements & the exertion of the five elements , the article probes into the relative connotation between five elements & four seasons , summarizes that the five elements probably stem from the epistemic of the four seasons which originate from the chinese ancient astronomy calendar .