- 所谓金属其实是铁与镍的一种合金。
- The metal in question is an alloy of iron and nickel .
- 也有一些和镍、铜、锌一样常见。
- Some are as abundant as nickel , copper or zinc .
- 在所有大宗商品中,镍和铜尤其承压。
- Among all commodities , nickel and copper are under particular stress .
- 昨晚我正驾车回家,摇滚乐队的尼可柏克提出了这个令人脊背发寒的问题。
- The rock band nickelback asked me this chilling question as I was driving home yesterday .
- 乐队的名字来自迈克在星巴克当收银员时的经历,
- They came up with the name nickelback from mike kroeger 's cashier experience at starbucks .
- 尼克儿童国际频道正计划在亚洲及其它市场加速推出儿童娱乐特许经营业务。
- Nickelodeon is planning to accelerate its launches of the children 's entertainment franchises in asia and other markets .
- 伍德(ryanwood)对这幅作品不予置评,他为迪斯尼和尼克公司工作过。
- Salt lake city artist ryan wood , who had no comment about this piece , has worked on projects for disney and nickelodeon .
- 他说,我们已经取得了一些成就,比如cbs周六早晨的自动点唱节目。
- Some benefits have been achieved , he claims , such as broadcasting nickelodeon programmes on cbs on saturday mornings .