- 如果一个生物可以像病毒那样成功地转包一部分而不是全部新城代谢机体并保留剩下的部分,那么没有任何规则可以阻止这种现象的发生。
- If an organism can successfully subcontract part of the business of metabolism to another while retaining the rest itself , rather than offloading the whole lot as most viruses do , then there are no rules to stop it happening .
- 中产阶级更愿意雇用装修公司,装修公司再把装修合同分包给回扣最多的施工队。
- The middle classes tend to hire decoration companies , which subcontract to whichever construction firm pays the best kickbacks .
- 为此他使用另一个点对点借贷网站,将信用评估的工作分包给了一些普通人。
- To do so he used another peer-to-peer website to subcontract the job of assessing creditworthiness to a number of ordinary people .
- 酸奶酪的消费突然变成了双倍了。
- The cost of yogurt was suddenly double .
- 准备好得到双倍的收获。
- Get ready for the double portion .
- 预算赤字猛增到足足两倍的数额。
- The budget deficit had soared well into double figures .