- 5/19在马里兰洛克威尔的马里兰大学生物技术研究所昆虫转化室里,荧光显微镜底下的几只成年蚊子。
- 5 / 19 Adult mosquitos are seen through a fluorescence microscope at the university of maryland biotechnology institute 's insect transformation facility in rockville , maryland .
- 而叶绿素荧光测试法直接作用于光合作用体,可以更快地提供较为直接准确的监测结果。
- The chlorophyll fluorescence method offers a more direct view into the photosynthetic machinery of plants and might provide an opportunity to detect stress sooner .
- 细胞放到位置以后,研究者一步步提高蓝色激光的功率,观察绿色荧光的变化。
- With the cell in place , the researchers gradually increased the power of the blue laser and watched how the green fluorescence changed as a result .