英音  [flu:ə'resəns]    
美音 [flʊˈrɛsəns, flɒ-, flo-]    



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5 / 19 Adult mosquitos are seen through a fluorescence microscope at the university of maryland biotechnology institute 's insect transformation facility in rockville , maryland .
The chlorophyll fluorescence method offers a more direct view into the photosynthetic machinery of plants and might provide an opportunity to detect stress sooner .
With the cell in place , the researchers gradually increased the power of the blue laser and watched how the green fluorescence changed as a result .
By recycling his work van gogh painted many layers over the original painting but the scientists managed to scan all the different elements in those layers of the relevant area with x-ray fluorescence .
Endothelial cell attached to synthetic microfibers , stained with microtubules , f-actin and nuclei ( 2500x ) , fluorescence , confocal
In the future , the goddard team expects fluorescence measurements will complement evi and ndvi , helping farmers and aid workers to respond to extreme weather events and potential crop failures and famines sooner .
We 're making the tumor cells take up fluorescence , but it could be used for other types of imaging such as magnetic resonance imaging-and perhaps eventually even for putting in drugs to kill the cancer .
Instead , louvre scientists led by philippe walter tried to solve the mystery using a hands-off technique called x-ray fluorescence , which can divulge details about the thickness and chemical composition of a painter 's individual brush strokes without damaging artwork .
Walter and his colleagues used x-ray fluorescence ( xrf ) spectrometry to determine the composition and thickness of each painted layer of the mona lisa in the louvre museum in paris , where the painting is normally kept behind bulletproof glass .
" Scientific tests such as non-invasive x-ray fluorescence spectroscopy have revealed many interesting features , but certainly no letters and numbers , " vezzosi told discovery news .