- 可是南方已普遍热衷于战争,凡事都像风驰电掣般呼啸着滚滚向前,往昔那种慢条斯理的节奏已经一去不复返了。
- But the south was aflame with war , events roared along as swiftly as if carried by a mighty wind and the slow tempo of the old days was gone .
- 我喜欢克拉克盖博在《乱世佳人》里将香烟放在唇上然后吸烟的样子。
- A : I love to see clark gable put the cigarette to his lips and suck in the smoke in gone with the wind .
- 《乱世佳人》将遭遇好莱坞最大的失败,我很高兴克拉克盖博将摔得鼻青脸肿,而不是我。
- Gone with the wind is going to be the biggest flop in hollywood history . I 'm glad it 'll be clark gable who 's falling flat on his nose , not me .