- 玛丽为这篇书评写故事梗概。
- Mary abstracted a story for the book review .
- 书评语类的特征之一就是评价性。
- Evaluation is characteristic of the book review genre .
- 然而,即使萨利赫的国家权力极少触及到也门的主要城镇、道路和油田,他已经保持着一种控制的假象(见书评)也是件不同寻常的事情。
- Yet even if the power of mr saleh 's state has seldom extended beyond yemen 's main towns , roads and oilfields , it is remarkable that he has maintained even a semblance of control ( see book review ) .
- 我在阅读上也有这个习惯,更偏好印刷版书籍。
- Same with reading ; I still prefer physical books .
- 这一点在图书市场上或许最为明显。
- This is perhaps most evident in the market for books .
- 他的公司拒绝发行这类书籍。
- He says his company refuses to distribute these books .