- 采用面向对象技术触发了比流程图更先进的描述商业过程的工具之需求。
- The adoption of oo technology triggered the need for tools more sophisticated than flowcharting to describe business processes .
- 但是和外键不同的是,它们也使得应用程序代码变得简单,不管它们本质上是oo还是流程化的。
- Unlike foreign keys , however , they also make the application code simpler , regardless of whether they are oo or procedural in nature .
- 这就是为什么面向对象的编程鼓励你用设置器或取值器,尽管他们可能费些写代码的时间。
- This is why oo programming encourages you to call getters and setters , even if they take some time .