- 仍然用seagull作为例子seagull的wiki上有一份详细的框架安装流程,其中有几个关键步骤有时候常常被粗心或者没有戒心的开发者轻易地忽略了。
- Take seagull as an example again the seagull wiki has a detailed rundown of the framework 's installation process that has several key steps that are sometimes easily overlooked by careless or unsuspecting developers .
- 以cakephp最为mvc框架的例子。
- Take cakephp as an example mvc framework .
- 于是被管理人员臭训一通儿,最后还说:“就你们这样,甭想考上大学!”我们一。
- Then by administrator smelly example , still say finally : " with respect to you such , do not want to take an examination of attend a college ! " We a guffaw .