- 在距离首都班吉一百公里以外的小城姆拜基,她在庭审上认罪,被判入狱三年。
- In the court of mba ki ( a little town a hundred km from bangui ) she confessed to being a witch and was found guilty , sentenced to three years in prison .
- 苏黎世、日内瓦和温哥华位居排行榜前三名;排名垫底的三座城市中,除巴格达外,还有中非共和国的班吉和刚果共和国首都布拉扎维。
- Zurich , geneva and vancouver made the top three in the list while bangui in the central african republic and brazzaville , the capital of congo republic , joined baghdad in the bottom three .
- 温州经上海到到班吉特价机票价格。
- Wenzhou to go to bangui international ticket prices .