- 由于担心个人主义猖獗泛滥,芭比开创了一个较简单,温和的时代。
- Amid concern about rampant individualism and excess , she evokes a simpler , gentler era .
- 因此,我们必须远离过度的个人主义,朝着具有更高社会责任感的方向前进。
- So we need a trend away from excessive individualism and towards greater social responsibility .
- 有人会说美国人骨子里就是这样,这是我们强烈的个人主义在闪耀着光芒。
- One might say there is something profoundly american in this . It 's our fierce individualism shining through .
- 我已经迷失了自己。
- I have lost my self .
- 下面就请你自己看看吧。
- Look and see for your self .
- 更高的自我就是你!
- The higher self is you !