- 你可以在这里(pdf)找到一本关于“水陆两用飞行器”的样书。
- You can find a sample book on the fascinating subject of ' amphibious aircrafts ' here ( pdf ) .
- 目前,海军在红海上拥有一个航母战斗群贺一搜两栖登陆舰,载有海军陆战队和一批直升机。
- The navy currently has an aircraft carrier strike group and an amphibious landing vessel , with marines and helicopters , in the red sea .
- 它能起降直升飞机,在登陆点安全后,它能乘载更多的军队跟在一艘两栖攻击舰后面。
- It can base a helicopter , and it can follow up an amphibious assault with more troops - after a landing site is secure .