- 从东到西,从西到东,旅人飞快地驶过茫茫大草原,驶向苍茫天际,穿过一望无际的玉米地;高不可测的苍穹,硕大的云朵,老是几乎平淡无奇、千篇一律。
- From east and west , travelers dart across these prairies into the huge horizons and through cornfields that go on forever ; giant skies , giant clouds , an eternal nearly featureless sameness .
- 如果一揽子计划被批准,且投资者消除了疑虑,默克尔可能以一个来自东欧却拯救了西欧的女人的身份而名垂千古。
- If the package is approved and investors are reassured , merkel could go down in history as the woman from the east who rescued the west .