- 两党在竞选活动中都表示反对穆沙拉夫总统的专制统治。
- During the campaign both parties expressed opposition to the president 's autocratic rule .
- 明茨伯格说,这样的组织通常都会是独裁的,当心脏病来袭是脆弱不堪的。
- Such organisations are often autocratic and , as mintzberg put it , vulnerable to a single heart attack .
- 民主国家的公投数量现在可能已经远远超过了专制统治者所钟情的假公投。
- Referendums in democratic countries may now far outnumber the sham plebiscites beloved of autocratic rulers .
- 只要威严专横的俾斯麦大权在握,德国人就要忍受因循守旧的政府。
- Germans tolerated their archaic government so long as the brilliant and despotic bismarck was in charge .
- 乔治奥威尔大胆的告诉我们在专横暴虐的政权下这个世界会变成怎样。
- George orwell took the liberty to tell us how what the world look like if despotic and oppressive regimes took the upper hand .
- 这个行动可能导致专横的前任总统洛朗巴博(laurentgbagbo)受到起诉,他在选举失利后拒不下台,因而导致数百人死亡。
- This could lead to the indictment of laurent gbagbo , his despotic predecessor , whose refusal to cede power after losing an election led to hundreds of deaths .
- 帝国主义与专制统治相辅相成。
- Imperialism and autocracy go together .
- 一党独裁肯定有其缺点。
- One-party autocracy certainly has its drawbacks .
- 沙漠环境的重要性是阿拉伯专制的另一种解释。
- The importance of desert geography is another explanation for arab autocracy .