- 还有一个迹象能够表明欧洲央行的不安。
- There is other evidence of ecb discomfort .
- 任何情绪上的不适都表明你必须要转换状态了。
- Any emotional discomfort means that you must change your state .
- 《华尔街日报》:尽管如此地不安,你仍然决定说出你的故事。
- Wsj : even with that discomfort , you decided to tell your story .
- 你什么时候开始觉得有舒服的?
- When did you begin feeling unwell ?
- 你最好这里休息一会儿。不,你知道我的母亲不舒服。
- You 'd better rest here a while.no , you know my mother is unwell .
- 这个星期开始,布莱尔夫人就感到不适,周二被诊断为猪流感疑似患者。
- Mrs blair started feeling unwell at the start of the week and is believed to have been diagnosed with suspected swine flu on tuesday .
- 当然有一件事似乎可以肯定:目前全球经济萎靡不振并不是少了几座奥运场馆造成的。
- One thing that seems certain is that the cause of the current global malaise is not a shortage of olympic velodromes .
- 但是他们越是在投资上节省资金,失业也就会更多,特别是在年轻人之中,这将会是日本萎靡不振的意识进一步恶化。
- And yet the more they scrimp on investment , the more joblessness , especially among the young , will deepen japan 's sense of malaise .
- 在经济萎靡不振时期,价格被推至高位,许多人只是不能支付这笔费用。
- Prices have been driven so high at a time of economic malaise that many people simply cannot afford it .
- 他们对过于亲密的关系感到不自在。
- They are uncomfortable with too much closeness .
- 摩尔看起来有些不自在,我们就此告别。
- Moore looks uncomfortable and we part .
- 答案可能会是令人不安的。
- The answer may prove uncomfortable .
- 另外一个是金融行业的财政困境。
- The other is financial industry distress .
- 想必他个人主要的苦恼就是那一头稀疏的头发。
- His thinning scalp must be a source of considerable personal distress .
- 通货紧缩和金融困境遏制了增长。
- Deflation and financial distress stifled growth .