- 模拟的温度变化与海洋热储存,都与实际观察数据相符,已经可确定的是:全球气候变迁受到自然与人为气候营力的驱动。
- The agreement with observations , for both the modeled temperature change and ocean heat storage , leaves no doubt that observed global climate change is being driven by natural and anthropogenic forcings .
- 如果答案是“不会”,我们就有可能沦为莫里斯教授口中“天启五骑士”气候变化、饥荒、政府失灵、移民和疾病的牺牲品。
- If the answer is " no " , we might , instead , fall prey to what prof morris calls the " five horsemen of the apocalypse " climate change , famine , state failure , migration and disease .
- 按气候变化部长gregbarker的话说:“选民真正讨厌的是那些庞然大厂,不断吃进大老远运来的垃圾,对当地却没有任何好处”。
- What voters really resent , says greg barker , the climate-change minister , is huge plants fed with waste from far afield , with no benefit to the local area .