- 空腹时胃内的酸度大,酸奶所特有的乳酸菌易被胃酸杀死,其保健作用会大大减弱,所以空腹时不宜喝酸奶。
- Stomach inner acidity is on an empty stomach now and then big , the proper leben institute lactobacillus is easy to be killed by gastric acid , whose health care effect is able to be weakened greatly , is inadvisable to drink leben therefore on an empty stomach now and then .
- 只从一个渠道获取信息,是不推荐的。
- Getting all of your information from any single source is inadvisable .
- 考虑到你缺乏经验和文化知识,这似乎并不可取。
- Considering your lack of experience and cultural knowledge this would seem inadvisable .
- 将美国和日本放在一起比较似乎是不合适的。
- Comparisons between the us and japan seem inappropriate .
- 财富管理行业一直因推出不适当的产品、以及未能管理风险而饱受诟病。
- The sector has been accused of focusing on pushing inappropriate products and failing to manage risk .
- 事实将证明,恐慌性抛售美国普通股是非常不适当的应对之举。
- And panic selling of u. s.common stocks will prove to be a very inappropriate response .
- 这次各国应该能够就公共消费采取共同立场,不会再发生另一场不得体的争吵。
- This time round , the countries should be able to agree on a common position for public consumption , avoiding another unseemly row .
- 近期这一连串不体面的吝啬举动充分表明政府对军队漠不关心。
- This latest outbreak of unseemly penny-pinching is symptomatic of a governmental tin ear when it comes to the armed forces .
- 相反,欧洲似乎常常沉迷于用不得体的后卫行动,来维护其日益下滑的地位。
- Instead it often seems lost in unseemly rearguard actions to preserve a fading status .