- 无效的语言削弱甚至歪曲你表达的思想。
- Ineffective language weakens and distorts ideas .
- 渐渐地,奥巴马在海外被描绘成了软弱、优柔寡断和无能的形象。
- Increasingly mr obama was portrayed overseas as weak , indecisive and ineffective .
- 相比之下,明目张胆地自我夸耀非常无效。
- In contrast blatant self-promotion was surprisingly ineffective .
- 实物福利向现金的转变要保证母亲而不是不负责任的父亲获益最多。
- A shift to cash welfare would have to ensure that mothers benefit most , not feckless fathers .
- 但是他们憎恨的可能就是让不负责任的意大利人,葡萄牙人脱身。
- But what they detest is the idea that it might let feckless italians and portuguese off the hook .
- 虽然亚历山大被波斯人描绘成一个毁灭者,一个鲁莽甚至有些软弱的毛头小子,但同样有证据表明他还是对波斯人民尊敬有加。
- Although alexander is characterised by the persians as a destroyer , a reckless and somewhat feckless youth , the evidence suggests that he retained a healthy respect for the persians themselves .