- 我穿上橡胶手套,勇敢地抓起我的劳动工具-一根拾物棒-然后把剩下的咖啡一口吞掉。
- I don rubber gloves , bravely grab my pickup stick and swallow the remainder of my coffee .
- 热衷于披上平民主义外衣的政客们赶忙出台惩罚性立法,要求对在接受联邦资助的大型集团供职、年薪25万美元以上者的奖金课以90%的税收。
- Politicians keen to don a populist mantle rushed through punitive legislation that would slap a 90 per cent tax on bonuses of those earning more than $ 250000 annually at large groups receiving federal funds .
- 欧美大多数现代化农场现在都有严格的生物安全程序,比如要求来访者淋浴并穿上特制服装后才能接触猪只。
- Most modern u. s.and european hog farms now have strict biosecurity procedures , such as requiring visitors to shower and don special clothing before coming into contact with their pigs .