- 结论多数牙齿先天性缺失会影响上下颌骨的发育。
- Conclusion severe tooth agenesis will affect the development of mandible and maxillary bones .
- 同种异体骨;下颌骨;骨移植;护理。
- Nursing of patients undergoing allogeneic mandible transplantation .
- 短种植体在上下颌后牙区牙槽嵴萎缩病例中的应用。
- Clinical effect of short implants in the atrophic maxilla and mandible of posterior region .
- 这个方面呢,一定要治理部门跟这个企业要紧密的配合。
- This respect , must management department wants to cooperate cheek by jowl with this enterprise .
- 你无法从那群人中穿过去,他们那里挤得水泄不通。
- You will never get through that crowd of people ; they are packed in there cheek by jowl .
- 小说如果和诗歌以及哲学紧密联系的话将会变得更好。
- Fiction will be much the better for standing cheek by jowl with poetry and philosophy .